Triboro Ecodistrict
Ecodistrict planning helps a community set and achieve triple bottom line goals that center around equity, environment, and economy. Since 2012, four rounds of ecodistrict planning with Millvale, Sharpsburg, and Etna have created award winning action plans and led to the creation of the multi-municipal Triboro Ecodistrict.
Located just across the river from Pittsburgh, the Triboro Ecodistrict encompasses Millvale, Etna, and Sharpsburg
While the three municipalities share a comprehensive plan, have shared assets and challenges, and are addressing the same six quality of life areas, each has pursued unique planning processes and projects with evolveEA that address their specific identities and needs.
The communities have implemented numerous projects and are attracting attention for their proactive efforts to make their communities more livable. Projects include an in-depth air quality study (all three suffer from poor air quality), a food hub building, carbon inventory, community needs assessment, air quality dashboard and monitoring stations, and community education and leadership development.
evolveEA guided each municipality to becoming the world’s first EcoDistrictsâ„¢ Certified communities and managed the documentation process as well.