map and zoomed in land use plan around Pittsburgh Regional Transit's bus connections

Station Area Planning for Transit Oriented Development

Station Area Planning enables Pittsburgh Regional Transit to strategically manage its facilities and operations, and increase ridership by densifying urban nodes around transit stations and promoting healthy, active, car-free, and affordable lifestyles.

Transit-oriented development (TOD) is a major opportunity for homes, jobs, stores, and community centers to be strategically located along the region’s best connected transit corridors. Our team is working with Pittsburgh Regional Transit on an ongoing basis to envision the future for Allegheny County’s best connected transit stations. Starting with Negley Station, Station Square, and Dormont Junction we are analyzing how the stations fit in with the community today, identifying challenges, and visualizing opportunities. The result of this effort will provide Pittsburgh Regional Transit, communities, and potential developers with a blueprint for sustainable and equitable investment in each of the focus station areas.


PRT Station Conceptual Design by evolveEA


evolveEA builds on the team’s economic analysis, transportation engineering, and community engagement by providing forward-looking urban design, system-wide analysis, and environmentally-conscious sustainability guidelines. Insights from evolveEA’s scenario testing helps the team to understand the broader community impacts of improvements large and small. Visualizations tell the story of each station’s past and present while looking to the future. A set of project implementation requirements in development by evolveEA summarizes the transit authority’s sustainability goals for TOD and capital improvement projects while outlining specific actions.

Evolve EA