As we help communities design their streets, transportation systems, and public spaces, we recognize the uncertainty that big changes can bring. By focusing on the fundamentals of walkable communities and safe, accessible networks, we will be resilient.
Three buildings in Pittsburgh earned performance recertifications with help from evolveEA: 411 Seventh Ave (Energy Star), US Steel Tower (WELL HSR), and Desmone Architects (WELL Gold).
In our new series, Missing Middle Models, we break down the reasons why missing middle housing is needed, challenges in the way of producing more of these housing types, and different strategies to address the need.
Designers should embrace an expanded role in aquatic wildlife restoration to link our natural and built environments, benefitting multiple species and better connecting people to nature. When thinking about ecological assets, the freshwater mussel should be at the forefront of the discussion.
evolveEA recently helped two buildings in Downtown Pittsburgh renew certifications that verify high-quality health and energy performance, contributing to the Pittsburgh 2030 District’s goals for building-level energy and indoor air quality benchmarking.
Cities need a vision for infrastructure beyond 2022: for 5 years, 20 years, and 50 years, or longer. It's a design challenge we cannot afford to squander.