evolve news

Allentown Plan Recognized with Statewide Award for Excellence

April 3, 2020
Allentown Comprehensive Plan Report Cover by evolveEA

Cover page of the Allentown 2030 Vision Comprehensive Plan, designed by Fourth Economy Consulting.

We are excited to announce that the Allentown Vision 2030 Comprehensive and Economic Development Plan, produced by the team of Fourth Economy and evolveEA, with assistance from Faces International, was awarded the Governor’s Award for Local Government Excellence. The 2030 Plan was selected as the winner in the Innovative Planning and Sound Land Use Practices category, one of ten categories chosen and signed by Pennsylvania Department of Community & Economic Development Deputy Secretary Richard P. Vilello, Jr.

The third largest city in the state of Pennsylvania, Allentown is a powerhouse of engaged citizens, a burgeoning minority community, and a place well positioned to now leverage their changing industries. The Allentown Vision 2030 document details a collaborative effort between city officials, residents, the business community, and institutional partners for the next ten years. It provides the playbook for the next stage of Allentown’s transformation, with land use, urban design, and economic development strategies that will align efforts in the city.

The plan has significant community support, with partner organizations and over 60 Community Ambassadors agreeing to assist the bureau of planning with project implementation. The plan was produced through numerous small gatherings and town hall meetings, hosted in both English and Spanish, and the document was published in two languages to be inclusive of Allentown’s diverse population.

Says Hannah Clark of Allentown’s Bureau of Planning, “The Allentown Vision 2030 Plan is a transformative document that lays the framework for an inclusive, equitable, and prosperous Allentown. The evolveEA team was an essential part of creating a collaborative and transparent community planning process that ensured the voices of all Allentonians shape the city’s growth and change over the next 10 years.”

“This is the culmination of 18 months worth of engagement, design and iterations among a team of brilliant and dedicated partners and colleagues. It was a community-powered plan!” -Ashley Cox, evolveEA Project Manager

Evolve EA