Mill 19 Project Nationally Recognized for Sustainability

Mill 19 image by evolveEA
We are proud to spotlight a transformative commercial development project in our hometown that is attracting recognition across the country for innovative sustainability and adaptive reuse practices! We provided LEED and sustainability consulting as part of the design team for Mill 19 at Hazelwood Green, led by MSR Design and R3A Architecture. As a result, the project recently received a Top Ten Award from the American Institute of Architects’ (AIA) Committee On The Environment (COTE) for their annual selection of most impactful green building developments. Part of the multi-phase Mill 19 complex that is situated within a reclaimed riverside brownfield site called Hazelwood Green, we guided design and construction for the Carnegie Mellon Advanced Robotics for Manufacturing (ARM) Institute’s achievement of LEED Gold certification for Commercial Interiors. As the first phase of the Mill 19 complex to be redeveloped, the project set high performance precedents for the rest of the development as well as for similar types of facilities nationally.
COTE Top Ten projects illustrate the solutions architects provide for the health and welfare of our communities and planet. Adaptive reuse of a 1,300 foot-long, historic steel mill at the center of Hazelwood Green enabled high levels of resource conservation such as the diversion of construction waste, reuse of existing materials, on-site renewable energy generation, and implementation of sustainable landscape strategies. Mill 19 is certainly a model for partnership-driven, green and innovative commercial development.