handmade for the holidays

December 22, 2011

We came up with the idea to print our own cards and gifts as a fun experience for our staff, an opportunity to give our friends a unique gift, and to collaborate with a fantastic community arts organization called Artists Image Resource (AIR). AIR is an artist-run organization located in Pittsburgh’s North Side that integrates the production of fine art print work with innovative educational programs that explore the creative process.

Cole drying tote bagsChristine Mondor with Jen from AIR

The artwork on our cards and tote bags is a collage of the images we use on our website to represent evolveEA projects. We thought it would be interesting for our friends to see if they could identify these landmarks when they are unlabeled, mixed-up, cropped and layered in a freeform composition. Using the silk screens as a mono-printing technique allowed us to make each item unique, featuring a different mix of imagery and colors on every piece. If you received a card from us and would like to reference the list of projects matched to their images, just take a look at our work page.

Printmaking as a group was a wonderful way to end the year, and we look forward to another year full of creative opportunity and growing sustainable networks with all of you!

Evolve EA