evolve news

evolve Team Members Elected & Accredited

December 18, 2018

The end of 2018 comes with new professional achievements and opportunities for members of the evolve team. We are proud to share that Marc Mondor is 2019 President Elect of AIA Pennsylvania! Building on Marc’s continuing leadership with the Board of Directors, and the impact he has had as Government Affairs Chair, he is excited to advocate for and shape the role of Architects across the Commonwealth.

Adding to the team’s qualifications serving projects that produce healthy and high performing built environments, a number of evolvers have also recently earned new professional accreditation. Marc is now a WELL Accredited Professional, trained in the WELL Building Standard. Earlier this year, our first Well Certified project—the Cleveland Clinic Center for Functional Medicine Suite—became a finalist for CBE’s Livable Buildings Award.

Nick Rubenstein, our Building Rating Systems Manager became a Fitwel Ambassador. Similar to WELL, the Fitwel certification system optimizes buildings to support health. Also, two more evolvers have earned the EcoDistricts accreditation: Ashley Cox and Elijah Hughes are our latest EcoDistricts Accredited Professionals! EcoDistricts AP team members are proficient in the EcoDistricts Protocol for creating equitable and sustainable neighborhoods. With these achievements, we are all excited to kick off 2019 with pride in our work and dedication to our mission of advancing sustainable systems by design.

Marc Mondor, AIA, LEED Fellow, WELL AP
Marc Mondor, AIA, LEED Fellow, WELL AP
Nick Rubenstein, LEED AP, Fitwel Ambassador
Nick Rubenstein, LEED AP, Fitwel Ambassador
Ashley Cox, EcoDistricts AP
Ashley Cox, EcoDistricts AP
Elijah Hughes, EcoDistricts AP
Elijah Hughes, EcoDistricts AP

Evolve EA