Our Path to Carbon Neutrality

As a multidisciplinary consulting firm, it is important for us to reduce our activities’ impact on the future health of our environment. That’s why we’ve undertaken a strategy to become carbon neutral starting in 2011.
Flip through our emissions explanation to better understand what we’ve done:


How We Did It

We assessed all of our energy usage – from travel, electricity, and heating to water usage. We found a few areas where we can be more energy efficient with simple strategies such as travel and lighting reductions. We’ve also implemented some employee-friendly programs like a weekly bike to work day and free bus passes for any business travel.
As a small office, these simple reductions are already having a big impact on our emissions. For the emissions we continue to create, we’re purchasing Green-e Certified Wind Renewable Energy from Viridian Energy and offsetting other emissions with carbon offset purchases.
Download our Greenhouse Gas Report [85KB PDF] for more information.

Third Party Verification

We believe in third party verification. We’ve chosen the World Resources Institute Greenhouse Gas Protocol Corporate Standard because it is the most widely accepted verification framework. (Our certification is pending.)

You Can Do It Too

What we’ve done is simple and is saving us money, energy, and peace of mind. Emissions are important for any environmentally conscious organization to address. Measurement of these emissions can aid organizations in identifying areas of inefficiencies and cost savings.
Our inventory model helps organizations pursue and achieve their sustainability goals. evolveEA can aid your organization in measuring your current emissions, recommending and implementing reductions, and communicating your strategy to stakeholders. Together, we can reduce our activities’ impact on the future health of our environment.


We’re a Green Power Partner with the US Environmental Protection Agency’s Green Power Partnership program! The EPA reviewed our green power purchase strategy and approved us as a partner in environmental leadership.

Evolve EA