BikePGH Campaign Graphics
Bike Pittsburgh, aka BikePGH, is the metro area’s advocacy organization for safe multimodal street design. evolveEA is a longtime member, and have been engaged on occasion to design campaign materials that BikePGH uses to attract support for bike and pedestrian infrastructure initiatives. Our graphics have focused on places where there are particular safety concerns, and along key urban commuting corridors.
The #SafeFifthForbesNOW campaign was instrumental in accelerating and guiding the redesign of one of Pittsburgh’s busiest corridors in the Oakland neighborhood along Fifth and Forbes Avenues. We helped create a brand for this campaign that emphasizes inclusive roadway design principles while incorporating the neighborhood’s identity as an educational, economic, and cultural center for the entire Western Pennsylvania region. A similar campaign to extend bike lanes along Penn Avenue is currently underway, with a stylized set of graphics that we designed to compliment BikePGH social media.